This website has been created to chart the career of Harry Hession of Churwell Lions.

 Harry as a shy assuming boy played for Churwell Lions back in 2006 aged  just 6.  He played his football like former Leeds United midfielder David Batty, tigerish in the tackle and giving his all to make the team.

Harry (6) was drummed out of the Lions by a charleton of a manager who upset  at his combative style concocted the ultimate low in fabrications.  I was telephoned one evening from this  ex manager telling me that several parents had phoned him complaining about the way in which Harry was playing too  aggressively and that he should not attend training for a while.

I told Harry this and he was destraught, we ultimately kept him away from the Lions for two years, afraid to upset the parents who had complained about him.  I was annoyed at all the parents as to why they could not have approached me about this matter.

Years later he was invited back to Churwell Lions by the then new manager and as it turned out the ex-charleton had phoned around to get parents on his side to hound out Harry, however no parents were party to his wicked complaint.

Harry now loves it at Churwell Lions, he has many new and old friends playing alongside him, and the best thing about playing for the Lions is the friendly family feel of togetherness that surrounds the team.

Harry's man of the match award. Awarded for his debut display away to Beeston. 

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